class Tune(pipeline: BasePipeline, target_metric: Metric, horizon: int, metric_aggregation: Literal['median', 'mean', 'std', 'percentile_5', 'percentile_25', 'percentile_75', 'percentile_95'] = 'mean', backtest_params: dict | None = None, experiment_folder: str | None = None, runner: AbstractRunner | None = None, storage: BaseStorage | None = None, metrics: List[Metric] | None = None, sampler: BaseSampler | None = None, params_to_tune: Dict[str, BaseDistribution] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: AutoBase

Automatic tuning of custom pipeline.

This class takes given pipelines and tries to optimize its hyperparameters by using params_to_tune.

Trials with duplicate parameters are skipped and previously computed results are returned.


This class requires auto extension to be installed. Read more about this at installation page.

Initialize Tune class.

  • pipeline (BasePipeline) – Pipeline to optimize.

  • target_metric (Metric) – Metric to optimize.

  • horizon (int) – Horizon to forecast for.

  • metric_aggregation (Literal['median', 'mean', 'std', 'percentile_5', 'percentile_25', 'percentile_75', 'percentile_95']) – Aggregation method for per-segment metrics. By default, mean aggregation is used.

  • backtest_params (dict | None) – Custom parameters for backtest instead of default backtest parameters.

  • experiment_folder (str | None) – Name for saving experiment results, it determines the name for optuna study. By default, isn’t set.

  • runner (AbstractRunner | None) – Runner to use for distributed training. By default, LocalRunner is used.

  • storage (BaseStorage | None) – Optuna storage to use. By default, sqlite storage is used with name “etna-auto.db”.

  • metrics (List[Metric] | None) – List of metrics to compute. By default, Sign, SMAPE, MAE, MSE, MedAE metrics are used.

  • sampler (BaseSampler | None) – Optuna sampler to use. By default, TPE sampler is used.

  • params_to_tune (Dict[str, BaseDistribution] | None) – Parameters of pipeline that should be tuned with corresponding tuning distributions. By default, pipeline.params_to_tune() is used.


fit(ts[, timeout, n_trials, initializer, ...])

Start automatic pipeline tuning.

objective(ts, pipeline, params_to_tune, ...)

Optuna objective wrapper.


Get trials summary.


Get top k pipelines with the best metric value.

fit(ts: TSDataset, timeout: int | None = None, n_trials: int | None = None, initializer: _Initializer | None = None, callback: _Callback | None = None, **kwargs) BasePipeline[source]#

Start automatic pipeline tuning.

  • ts (TSDataset) – TSDataset to fit on.

  • timeout (int | None) – Timeout for optuna. N.B. this is timeout for each worker. By default, isn’t set.

  • n_trials (int | None) – Number of trials for optuna. N.B. this is number of trials for each worker. By default, isn’t set.

  • initializer (_Initializer | None) – Object that is called before each pipeline backtest, can be used to initialize loggers.

  • callback (_Callback | None) – Object that is called after each pipeline backtest, can be used to log extra metrics.

  • **kwargs – Additional parameters for optuna

Return type:


static objective(ts: TSDataset, pipeline: BasePipeline, params_to_tune: Dict[str, BaseDistribution], target_metric: Metric, metric_aggregation: Literal['median', 'mean', 'std', 'percentile_5', 'percentile_25', 'percentile_75', 'percentile_95'], metrics: List[Metric], backtest_params: dict, initializer: _Initializer | None = None, callback: _Callback | None = None) Callable[[Trial], float][source]#

Optuna objective wrapper.

  • ts (TSDataset) – TSDataset to fit on.

  • pipeline (BasePipeline) – Pipeline to tune.

  • params_to_tune (Dict[str, BaseDistribution]) – Parameters of pipeline that should be tuned with corresponding tuning distributions.

  • target_metric (Metric) – Metric to optimize.

  • metric_aggregation (Literal['median', 'mean', 'std', 'percentile_5', 'percentile_25', 'percentile_75', 'percentile_95']) – Aggregation method for per-segment metrics.

  • metrics (List[Metric]) – List of metrics to compute.

  • backtest_params (dict) – Custom parameters for backtest instead of default backtest parameters.

  • initializer (_Initializer | None) – Object that is called before each pipeline backtest, can be used to initialize loggers.

  • callback (_Callback | None) – Object that is called after each pipeline backtest, can be used to log extra metrics.


function that runs specified trial and returns its evaluated score

Return type:


summary() DataFrame[source]#

Get trials summary.

There are columns:

  • hash: hash of the pipeline;

  • pipeline: pipeline object;

  • metrics: columns with metrics’ values;

  • state: state of the trial.


dataframe with detailed info on each performed trial

Return type:


top_k(k: int = 5) List[BasePipeline][source]#

Get top k pipelines with the best metric value.

Only complete and non-duplicate studies are taken into account.


k (int) – Number of pipelines to return.


List of top k pipelines.

Return type:
